Academia Espanglish

Calle Mayor, 106
Vera (Almería)
Oferta Academia Espanglish (Vera) (19)
- Inglés
Apoyo Especial
- Apoyo a la Escritura
- Apoyo a la Lectura
- Audición y Lenguaje
Preparación de Exámenes
- B1 PET
- CAE Certificate in Advanced English
- CPE Certificate Proficiency in English
- FCE First Certificate in English
- KET Key English Test de la Universidad de Cambridge
- Preparación de exámenes en general
- Preparación para el examen de Graduado en ESO
- Preparación para la Selectividad (EVAU-EBAU)
- Pruebas de acceso
- Ciclos Formativos
- Educación para Adultos
- Primaria
- Refuerzo Educativo
- Técnicas de Estudio
Más información de la Academia
Academia para niños/adultos para aprender a hablar inglés.
Academy for children/adults to learn to speak Spanish.
Apoyo escolar y preparación certificaciones/TOEFL.
Quienes somos
espanglish People & Language Development Services Centre provides people with the opportunity to learn how to speak English and Spanish as a foreign language, as well as offering an array of Human Resources Services not only the people of the Almanzora Valley but those who live further afield. We break the paradigm of the run-of-the-mill language schools: our aim is to set you up for success -- not failure.
We serve individuals, groups and companies alike, our services and courses are easily tailored to suit and so in this way can fit into your lifestyle, business and particular needs.
Our mission is for you to “communicate wherever you are”
and we base this on the following premises:
We teach and learn with joy, respect and dignity towards oneself and others.
We teach with the conviction that our students learn a new life skill, according to their individual needs and wishes, in a suitable and welcoming environment.
We offer courses that complement our student´’s personal, academic and professional development.
Our success will help guarantee a prosperous and harmonious workplace for ourselves and for each of our stakeholders and students.
Our stakeholders are honest, capable and are always up-to-date in their area of expertise and techniques.
Our profit is fair and honest, fruit of our labour.
It is thanks to our profit that we are able to share with those who need it most.
Thank you for chosing us!
We are always looking for teachers. Your C.V. will be welcome.
If you are interested in teaching, have some experience and ideally, a University Degree, please send us your C.V. to
We will provide you with training, a lovely environment, smart offices and great students.
It will be fun!
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