III - Instituto Internacional de Idiomas.

Calle Almendros s/n
Marbella (Málaga)
Oferta III - Instituto Internacional de Idiomas. (Marbella) (27)
- Alemán
- Árabe
- Bosnio
- Castellano
- Catalán
- Checo
- Chino
- Coreano
- Danés
- Eslovaco
- Español para extranjeros
- Francés
- Gallego
- Holandés
- Húngaro
- Inglés
- Italiano
- Japonés
- Lenguaje de signos
- Noruego
- Polaco
- Portugués
- Rumano
- Ruso
- Sueco
- Valenciano
- Vasco/Euskera
Más información de la Academia
ome Why III? Our 10 reasons
10 reasons why you should study a language at I.I.I
We have more than 28 years experience in language teaching.
Because of our qualified and highly motivated teachers.
We offer a wide range of courses which are fully adapted to the Common European European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Because of our flexibility for organizing, planning and providing courses.
Our students study in a pleasant and enriching environment, where they can make friends with people of different nationalities.
We offer custom-tailored courses which satisfy individual customer needs.
Our teaching method and educational philosophy help the learning process.
We offer a wide variety of extra-academic activities and exclusive selection of accommodation facilities.
We are the only school to offer students, who study Spanish, the possibility of repeating intensive Spanish for free, if the desired target level is not reached at the end of the course.
For being an authorized centre for Cambridge University - ESOL and Instituto Cervantes DELE examinations (Nueva Andalucía) and holding the ISO9001 quality management system granted by SGS, the prestigious Swiss consultants.
Good reasons why you should live in Spain:
The climate
Healthy diet
Spectacular landscape and surroundings
Leading a more attractive life-style
Warm and friendly people
Culture, history and singularity
Opiniones III - Instituto Internacional de Idiomas. (Marbella) (1)
Hace muchos anos (1989-90) trabaje en el Instituto Internacional de Idiomas, Marbella. como profe nativo de ingles. Yo puedo recomendar el insti. Fue un placer trabajar alli.
Un abrazo
Frank Hughes (Glasgow, Escocia)
Autor: Frank Hughes (04/11/2024)
Editar III - Instituto Internacional de Idiomas. (Marbella)
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